Sunday, November 4, 2007

Our actual route from San Francisco to San Diego. Our trip down the California coast was our “shake-down” trial, a time to get used to the creaks, noises, and idiosyncracies of boat systems; to refine our navigational skills; and to develop a working team among the crew. This last job is the tough one. Despite our 40-plus years together, the challenge of life in the middle of the sea with things unfamiliar, things going wrong that mystify us both, and a definite feeling (especially for Ardy) of lack of control, hampers the development of teamwork. We’ve found the best thing for it is to let each other know how we are feeling. Her: “I’m scared spitless when I have to drive the boat to anchor into a 20 knot wind with two boats already anchored just in front of us and the rocks less than a hundred meters off the port bow.” Him: “You have lots of room, just relax, goose it a little when you need more helm and back off when you get it lined up, and stop worrying.” Each day it becomes clearer that comfort comes with experience and practice, and with it a refocusing from tension and anxiety to the cruising itself.

1 comment:

Trisha said...

Love to read your posts! Have fun and Happy Holidays.

Trisha and Derrick, Gate 11