Saturday, May 10, 2008

San Diego visit

For two-plus weeks, Ardy visited Miles, Liz, and Philip in San Diego. Philip was training for his race in Russia on May 11th; Liz was working every day; Miles needed someone to play with. The adults talked lots, read, played Scrabble, cooked, ate, biked, ran, visited with friends, and went for long walks. Miles learned to crawl proficiently, celebrated his 10th month, cut two more teeth (that makes 8 so far), and (mostly) slept through the night from 7:00PM to 6:30AM.

Every morning, Miles and I spent time in the garden...the first visit was to the bottle-brush tree in full bloom, where three particular blossoms needed gentle stroking; then the cacti, just beginning to bloom; and finally, after passing the vegetable patch, we settled in the hammock, where several toys brought along needed to be dropped over the side, picked up, dropped again, always being there when we looked over the edge to investigate.

One evening we went with Liz to a special twilight barbeque of her out-rigger rowing group. Liz worked registration, Miles charmed everyone. Grandma had fun.

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