Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Way behind

Just a quick note before we set off to sea again to let you know (if you hadn't already noticed) we are way behind in updating the blog. Marv has put up some photos, but I haven't gotten to a computer to enter the text. :(

We leave Santiago Bay, Manzanillo today and our next stop with reliable internet connection will be in Puerto Vallarta area in two weeks.

The tsunami following the Chilean earthquake was a minor event here...all the boats in our anchorage hoisted anchor and went out into 200 feet+ water to wait it out...there was a small tidal drop (maybe 50 feet of sand exposed that usually isn't) and a small wave, but we felt nothing out at sea.

All is well. The sun still shines every day. The birds still chirp. The bugs still bite. The turtles come to our boat and look for cabbage leaf handouts.

We will write from Puerto Vallarta.

1 comment:

Doug and Carla Scott said...

We were just wondering where Odyssey was - now we know! Have a wonderful trip North. Hope to see you there. We are still in La Paz...