Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Los Gatos

Beautiful sunrises are better in Los Gatos. Such a lovely, lovely anchorage! Thanks for the memories, Breton!

Okay, what would you think if you were just sailing along in quiet seas, minding your own business when a whale spouts a couple hundred yards away? Exciting to see, right? A reminder that we are sharing this space with lots of other creatures, a humbling realization. Then what if this whale doesn't go away, but follows after you? Getting closer and closer to your stern each time it surfaces to spout? Are you a little nervous yet? We were. But it turns out (at least this is what we think...but, then, who are we to know what the whale was thinking?) the whale was curious about who we were...this large hulk silently slipping through the water in its territory. Once it determined we were 1) not food, 2) not a threat, and 3) not able to speak whale, it altered course and disappeared.

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