Saturday, April 23, 2011

Monseratte Hike

Take Dave Wallace, add an island with a high point, give him a morning of free time, and you can be assured of a good hike!

Dave took this photo of Cathie, Terry, Marv and me at the top of the trail on Isla Monserrate.

If you could call it a trail.

Striking features of the hike were the desert flowers in bloom...this is the flower of a cardon cactus...ants busily pollinating it as they harvest its nectar.

This island probably gave us the most evidence that snakes abound in the Baja. We didn't see the real thing, but they had passed this way not too long before we did, and Terry found the dessicated skin of two molted serpents.

Ah...did you notice in that first photo that we are all wearing sandals? ...hmmmm...

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