Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Pescadores de Zihuatanejo

OK, you're asleep. True, it IS almost 7:00 AM and the sun is peeking over the eastern hillside; the air is clear and the roosters in town have been crowing for at least three hours.

But it's still a little unnerving (the first time) to hear the slap of the net against the hull of the boat, to rouse yourself from that early morning stage between dreams and reality, and, poking your head out the hatch, stare into a warm smile from one of the fishermen netting their "bait fish" for their day's work.

Right there next to the boat.

Commercial and sports fishing are an important part of Zihuatanejo's economy. It turns out that smaller fish (6-8 inches in length) seem to enjoy cruising under the sailboats that sit at anchor. They make great fish for bait and we were glad the share the bounty.

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