Saturday, February 13, 2010

Street Scenes Zihuatanejo

Que suerte! What luck! We arrived in Zihuatanejo in time for Carnaval!

There are two parts (maybe more) to this beautiful, small city. About four days of the week a HUGE (we're talking big!) cruise ship anchors in the bay and thousands of tourists come ashore to enjoy the shops, restaurants, streets and alleys of town (Check the photo in the last posting...a cruise ship sits in the background). Tourists spend the day, strolling the tourist area and the beach, bargaining for purchases, visiting the museum, joining a snorkeling tour to Las Gatas, or simply watching other tourists walk by from the vantage point of a restaurant, complete with typical Mexican meal and icy margarita.

But walk a few blocks off the main streets near the beach and you are in a different Zihuatanejo. Colorful, crowded, busy with buses, pickups, cargo on its way to the main mercado, flower shops, sasterias (tailors), abarrotes (tiny grocery stores), and an energy of Mexico that is relaxing and invigorating at the same time.

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