Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Copala is a tiny, former mining town in the mountains outside Mazatlan. Tour companies have put it on their lists of destinations and if you come to Mazatlan on a cruiseship you can elect to spend the day here. We rented a car and drove the 65 kilometers up a winding mountain road, nearly missing the unmarked turnoff. Typical cobblestone streets, dirt trails, and dusty roads wend their way through the village. A sign in the small central plaza informs you this is a village of peace, and it is truly tranquil and quiet. A poor village, the restaurants and small tiendas depend on tourists for business...coconut banana pie is a trademark product.

One of the workers at our marina is from Copala, but as he says, there is little work there and what work there is is poorly paid, so he and others have come to Mazatlan looking for more opportunities. He misses his home.

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