Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Los Muertos

Pangas, pangas, pangas, and more pangas. The beach at Bahia Los Muertos is lined with them, waiting for the 25 knot winds to moderate so fishermen can go out on the Sea. Sand blows across the low spot directly into the bay, so the motors are wrapped with blankets or tarps for protection. We spent the day in La Ventana, coming back to find our boat covered with a thin layer of gritty sand.

"That's my Rambo baby," said the truck driver we hitched a ride with. "All the kids want him when they see it." We had scrambled up the three steps into his semi-truck cab, and scrunched into a jumpseat, had told him our story of coming to Los Muertos in a sailboat and wanting to get to La Ventana to see the brother of our friend, Linda, and his bed and breakfast/hotel, La Casa Verde. He shared his story as well...his Rambo baby keeps him safe.

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