Monday, January 12, 2009


Some places it is easy to run aground. One afternoon, this boat, "Easily Amused," provided conversation and entertainment for the entire marina here at Marina Singlar in Mazatlan. Coming into the gas dock, they mis-read the buoys and cut inside too early. As the four-foot-plus tide went out, they found themselves with a skewed perspective on the world. They were very calm about it all, and no harm done, the incoming tide floated them off eight hours later.

Chris Bennett, found here in Little Bugger, tender to Ladybug, has become a friend with good ideas about boat repairs, a strong arm in hoisting Marv to the top of the mast, and excellent conversation over dinner or drinks. He and Rani, aboard a Cal-29, Ladybug, are off to see the world. He also knows that, at times, the world is best observed from smaller craft, closer to the sea.

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